Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Constantine got kicked off American Idol.

That's what you get for singing Nickleback.



Pleasasaur was amazing.

He dressed up like a Yeti and sang a song reminicent of "Don't You Talk to Strangers" by Jared Jumps Over the Moon about strangers in white vans that have the best candy.

He also had a song about a tasty meat island where lions eat candy and eventually him and his grandma. Oh and a limo service called "No Prob Limo!"

I need to invest in some projectors and costumes.

The Volumen refused to play "Minitaure Action Jesus" and I miss Fiesta:The Band even if the members have gone on to do better things, nothing beats several songs about minor league baseball in a row.


Monday, April 25, 2005

I don't care what You say.

I like Tom Goes to the Mayor.

Michael Ian Black, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, David Cross, Jeff Goldblum and Bob Odenkirk can't all be wrong.

(nevermind that MIB is in those Sierra Mist ads)

"Hi I'm Tom Peters but you can call me Poop!"

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Darth likes it Dark

If liking dark chocolate M&Ms means aligning yourself with the dark side...

sign me up.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Elvis Costello Rules...

...but a 35 dollar baby doll tee does not.

I wanted one pretty bad, but not that bad.

I will have to settle for awesome interent shirts.

P.S. Elvis Costello is amazing and I would see him again in a heartbeat.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

You're not a hooker, are you?

The power went out at my house at about 9:12 this morining. I woke up to my printer going bezerko. I came in the hooose to check on my laptop. Now I am watching Showgirls and eating cereal.

Why is showgirls is on at 9:30 in the morning?

If you have to ask you don't watch VH1.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I can see my house from here.

Google local is amazing. Go look at it now.


I found my house and the U and got a better understanding of just how messed up this city's roads are in five minutes.

As it appears that one day google will be the most powerful force on the planet I suggest you align yourself with them now... cause when judgement day comes, the reckoning will be intense.

sometimes I only have one sentence to blog.

from: my tumblr