Saturday, November 26, 2005

What cable has taught me

I've been home for Thanksgiving break, a place where my parents have both internet and cable. This has allowed me to learn (remember?) a few things.

  1. If TLC is any indication - it is easy to buy a house and then completely remodel it - because everybody is filthy rich.
  2. The rich people on the TLC shows must be the ones that spawn the children on MTV's Super Sweet 16 - AKA: The Most Vicious and Horrible People on the Planet. After they finish editing together those shows they should strap the kids in to chairs, make them watch themselves and shock them whenever they say or do something nasty on screen. Then they should give their BMWs to charity and force them into volunteer work so they can see how people who don't have their parents and friends licking their ass operate,
  3. VH1 can do a talking head show on any subject - I Love the Holidays? What the hell. But I do love me some Michael Ian Black.
  4. Franz Ferdinand's new video is awesome. Franz Ferdinand's new single is awesome. Franz Ferdinand is awesome.
  5. There are new episodes of Degrassi - and Liberty is pregnant! LIBERTY! And JT is selling drugs! Ohmygawd.

Oh shit I didn't do any homework.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


lament sob cry

fuck you fox network

fuck you and the war at home

fuck you michael rappaport

we love you bluths.


We should totally teach them a lesson....

Friday, November 04, 2005

BabyMomma Dramma!

Kevin Federline has a rap on the internet.

and he's serious.


(thank you interweb)

sorry if there is anyone that reads this - my sheep blog has been getting all my attention as of late.

sometimes I only have one sentence to blog.

from: my tumblr