Thursday, January 03, 2008

Late Night Returns! It's Weird!

Conan said last night that people kept asking him "Whatchyou gonna do? Whatchyou gonna do?" (said in best Jersey guy voice you can muster in your head while reading hopefully).

Apparently the answer to that question is ring spinning, beard admiration, dancing, office tours and rock band in the style of Edith Bunker. . . oh and did I mention ring spinning? There was a lot of ring spinning. Clearly, late night is in no danger of running out of writer-less content any time soon! CLEARLY!

What I am more afraid for is next Monday's return of John Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Sure, the guys are funny, but their shows are basically 18 minutes of solid writing plus a 4 minute interview. The Daily Show and the Colbert Report are bit-driven with a singular interview whereas the rest of late night shows are nearly the opposite plus a monologue. Leno, Kimmel and Conan could, in theory, just cut the bits at the top by 20% and spend more time with guests, or have more guests per show. I don't really see the Comedy Central shows having that option. Since they belong to the WGA, Stewart and Colbert aren't really even allowed to write the whole show themselves. Leno wrote and his own monologue last night, and he's being called out for it today. So what will Monday's shows be like? I am not sure, but the prospect of Stewart just showing clips of those wacky presidential nominees and then mugging for the camera seems a possibility.

Conan's beard is pretty awesome though. He should shellac it and try to spin rings on it. There's at least 3 minutes of content right there.

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