Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is a bit surreal

Whoppi + Kimya + Adam = kind of an odd fit, but great nonetheless. Kimya really loves Whoppi and was excited to meet her. The one song Moldy Peaches reunion was originally supposed to happen on Conan (which seems to make more sense than the harpie gabfest), but:

Well, we said yes initially because I didn't realize what the situation still was with the strike. Then John Darnielle emailed me and told me what the deal was with Conan being forced back on and when I realized that no agreement had been reached with the writers, I cancelled.

-Kimya via Gothamist, read the rest of the interview.

At any rate, this was adorable! I've had three people tell me that they really liked the music in Juno, specifically "Anyone Else But You." All three people were new to the Moldy Peaches, and probably would have never found out about them otherwise. Kudos to Ellen Page for getting the songs in the movie, and sorry to the poor hipsters who feel another shred of their indie cred slipping away into the mainstream! You'll have to find another ironic-cute song to add to your repertoire, or you'll have to spend a minute before or after each performance to specify that you knew the Peaches before George Michael Bluth and Kitty Pryde covered it.

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