Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My next Lost theory to be disproved.

Lost has been jaw-droppingly awesome this season. Last week Desmond pulled a Billy Pilgrim and became "unstuck in time." Yes, they actually used the phrase. There are 2 seasons and 8 episodes left in the series so (albeit very slooooooowlllly) we are getting some answers, or more correctly pieces of possible answers. Lost is a harsh mistress.

Those answer pieces seem to indicate some form of time travel. That would both be a secret Ben thinks is worth keeping at the cost of killing everybody who messes with him and that scary dudes think is worth constantly harassing the Oceanic 6 about. Time travel has many applications, not the least of which is accidentally seducing your mom and bringing hoverboards from the bratty girls of the future to the Teenwolves of today.

The Lost-verse expands beyond the TV Show - as I have written about before - and that includes a new Lost game called Lost: Via Domus. Ohhhh latin. It (almost) means "The Way Home." Thanks Wikipedia! Sad news though, the game's not that great. Apparently the in-game version of the show's characters are dead-eyed and strange, the gameplay is short, the load times are long and the puzzles come out of nowhere. Eh, I'd probably never play it anyway.

There is something worth mentioning though: the game's ending has clues! Sweet delicious clues to satiate your hunger for the knowledge of what the hell is going on on that damn island. The review I linked to above has the full plot detail at the bottom of his post, I am putting the part I find most interesting below.

There, don't get mad at me.

In the game you play a photographer that has amnesia and makes a deal with Ben to get off the island on a boat (just like Michael! Ben makes deals with everyone, that cad!). Then you hoodwink Ben and side with Jack and then you get to the boat anyway. . .
Here's the kicker: When he gets on the boat, he follows a bearing of 325 degrees, as instructed by Ben. Halfway through his trip, he looks up and sees Flight 815 exploding above him. Then all fades to black, and he's back on the island during the crash sequence, only this time with a friend from his past appearing to lift him from the ground.

Ahhhh what? Is Amnesic Photographer "unstuck in time" like Desmond? Was he also exposed to radiation? Did Michael ever really get away - or is he reliving the whole thing in some sort of time warp?

A theory: in the movie Primer, the main characters create a time machine. The catch is that the machine can only go back to its "turn on" date and you have to spend as much time in the machine as you want to travel back. Perhaps the Island works the same way? It allows for time travel, but to how far back depends on how long you've been on the island/ within the island's "reach." Which is why Desmond traveled back to 1996 and Amnesiac Photographer only went back a few months. This may also explain Richard Alpert's non-aging, if he managed to physically travel through time instead of just mentally (like Desmond's consciousness jumping from his 1996 body to his 2004 body). I suspect we haven't seen the last of George Minkowski. Fisher Stevens (he was in HACKERS! HAX0RZ!) is kind of a bigger actor to kill off in one episode. My suspicion? He has done more with the island than just "checked it out" like he told Desmond.

We shall see.

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